There isn’t one correct way to raise a child, and there are plenty of good resources out there to help moms and dads who prefer guidance and strategy to trial and error or just winging it.
Read MoreAlexa Kiel of Alexa Kiel Photography is honored by peers and jurors for high-quality photography.
Read MoreAmaya and I chased the sunset for her maternity session. She looked stunning in the red dress she chose!
Read MoreWhile the average pregnancy lasts about 40 weeks, the unpredictable can happen and your baby may come earlier than expected. Premature births occur in about 11 to 13 percent of pregnancies in the United States.
Read MoreCar crashes are a leading cause of death for children ages 1 to 13. That's why it's so important to choose and use the right car seat correctly every time your child is in the car.
Read MoreLittle Miss W is one of my favorite recent newborn photography sessions. Her Mom requested Peach, Blue & Grey. I love it when parents request blue for little girls. It's different and sweet.
Read MoreParents-to-be can find a wealth of knowledge about pregnancy and parenting, with just one quick trip to the library. Here are some books you might want to check out to help have a healthy and more enjoyable pregnancy.
Read MoreIt doesn't always come naturally, but bonding with your newborn baby is critically important for both baby and parents. Find out how ways to bond with your new baby.
Read MoreOne of the most exciting parts of preparing to bring home your newborn is setting up the nursery — though it can also be stressful.
Read MoreWhile it’s always painful to hear your baby cry out in distress, separation anxiety in babies is completely normal. It’s part of their development, and it means that all the bonding you do with your baby has been working — they’re completely attached to you.
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